Widget sash

A sash.

Dragging this widget resizes the widgets adjacent to it. A sash should be adjacent to a widget with a specified size in the same direction as the parent element's flow.

For example, if the parent of the sash is flow = 'x' then either or both of the siblings adjacent to the sash should have a specified width attribute.


    -- create a layout containing two widgets separated by a sash
    local layout = Layout {
        type = 'panel', flow = 'x',
        { text = 'This is the left side', wrap = true, width = 100 },
        { type = 'sash' },
        { text = 'This is the right side', wrap = true },
    -- show the layout
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2015-12-17 04:20:17